Monday, February 2, 2009

Way to go Steelers!

Did I call it or did I fucking call it! The fucking crapnals got their asses kicked big time by the vastly superior Steelers. The crapnals total ineptness started with the coin toss. The fucking crapnals actually won the toss (the only thing they won all night) and let the Steelers have the first reception. This set the stage for the asskicking the crapnals were to face. The Steelers moved the ball at will and totally dominated the inept, pathetic crapnals.

This game was nowhere near as close as the crapnals fan would have you believe. The fucking crapnals folded ike a wet blanket. They were totally dominated and deatroyed by the vastly superior Steelers.

What a totally fucking awesome night for the Steelers and what a beautiful site it was watching the crapnals getthing their pathetic fucking asses kicked.


Anonymous said...

I'm starting to hate the Cardinals as much as you now. Check out what was posted on AZCentral. Talk about poor sports.

crudssuck said...

Hi Anon,

Thanks for your comment. It's already a given that crapnal's fans are delusional. Your fine link is just more proof of that fact. As one person on that threat noted, the crapnals are just a third class crap team, always have been, always will be.

Anonymous said...

Ha-ha, the crudinals are so pathetic they didn't even beat the 0-16 Lions!

crudssuck said...

Hello Anon,

Actually the crapnals didn't play the Lions. However, had the crapnals played them, the Lions would've beat the hell out of them. Compared to the pathetic crapnals, the Lions are a Super Bowl quality team. Of that there is no question.