Monday, December 29, 2008

Welcome to the all new anti-crapnals blog

Well we're up and running. The original site is still up, but this is a hell of a lot easier to update. Yahoo wants you to pay a fee to use ftp to update your page and the crapnals aren't worth spending a fucking cent on.

This page will be easier to update and looks better.

A quick historical flashback for those who are new here. I've been at this since 1994 or so when I started posting up on the irc page. I am a life-time Dallas Cowboys fan who has hated the crapnals ever since they crawled in to Phoenix and began screwing us for all they were worth. This piss poor excuse for a sports team even has the balls to think that we (the tax payers) needed to pay for their shitty stadium (more on that piece of trash later).

The crapnals are a crap team deserving of no support in any way, shape, or form. On this page they will get no respect or support what so ever.

So join the party, bring your best anti-crapnals joke or comment and let's have some fun.


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