Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Ch ch changes...

Yahoo will be shutting down Geocities in the near future. That means my original site and posts will be without a home. For the time being this will be my main site. I will be moving the stuff from the awesome original site over to one of my other boards (it's also backed up on my computer). Some of it may appear here. I am also going to work on constructing a new site in the not so distant future. In the mean time this will be THE official anti-crapnals site. As always I will be posting the truth about the pathetic crapnals.

Actually the demise of geocities is not a bad thing. It was a total fucking bitch trying to update that site without being able to use FTP. That's how this board was born.

So hang around, and keep on cheering against the pathetic, inept, loser crapnals.